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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
22nd January 2012
Mt. Biking: Afan Argoed
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Should have gone windsurfing!! That was my thought as we set off from the old centre to do The Wall trail. It was pretty damn windy. Fortunately, with the wind in the West, we were in the lee of the hill so pretty well sheltered for the most part.

What's new...
Over-running forestry work means the Penhydd trail is still closed. Word has it that it'll need to be completely rebuilt as most of it has been destroyed.

The trail leading to The Wall now runs straight from the centre, under the road, and down into the valley on some new singletrack, and back up on the other side before turning R on the old railway line.

There's another new bit of singletrack where you used to start climbing on the fireroad which is quite an improvement, though much of the climbing IS still on fireroad.

The gnarly section of "Graveyard" has had the trees thinned out a bit, and there's a new bottle-out section there. It seems less intimidating than in the past? It's certainly doable with enough momentum.

The descent is still fast & good fun, though nothing like as technical as White's or Skyline's.

This time, I borrowed Nigel's spare Specialized saddle in place of my Fizik Gobi. It was certainly no less comfortable than mine, though maybe my backside's becoming more "bedded-in".
Toys Used:
Scott Genius MC10 Med



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